Document repository


A key membership benefit of CoLRiC is access to our repository. Members can login to access a diverse collection of documents from job descriptions to learning resource guides. You will also find examples of job descriptions and role definitions, back issues of our publication CoLRiC Impact, conference presentations and reports.

Over the 2020/2021 academic year we will be working with our members across the UK to update and replenish the repository with documents across a wide range of strategic, operational and policy areas. These will include:

  • Leadership & Management – mission statements, organisational structures, legal compliance, equality and diversity and safeguarding policies
  • Learning Resources – IT provision, physical and virtual learning environments, resource allocation methodologies, collection development, management and promotion
  • Quality Assurance – student engagement/learner voice policies, complaints handling procedures, service level agreements and performance indicators
  • Teaching & Learning – staff and student collaboration, learner skills development, digital and information literacy, reading and numeracy

We regularly publish a call to our members to submit documents on specific topics to share with the CoLRiC community.  Colleagues who are planning recruitment or organisational restructures or who need inspiration and support to author strategy documents or Quality Improvement Plans and Self-Assessment Reports, will find this CoLRiC resource an invaluable reference tool. Members will be able to download and adapt any document and submit content for inclusion in the repository.

All documents will be redacted, anonymised and indexed only by category, College type and year of submission.